PICKER-HG Web Server

PerformIng Classification and Knowledge Extraction via Rules using random forests on Human Genes

PICKER-HG is an easy-to-use service so that biologists can apply a state-of-the-art data mining tool to their data.


Quick start guide

What this server can do:

For more detailed information, please continue reading below.

Welcome to the PerformIng Classification and Knowledge Extraction via Rules using random forests on Human Genes (PICKER-HG) web server. The main objective of this service is to provide an easy-to-use service so that biologists can apply a state-of-the-art data mining (machine learning) tool to their data (for more detailed information about the web server, see the help page).

This web server requires the user to enter a list of gene-class label pairs (the training data) to build a Random Forest (RF) classification model. After that, the web server extracts a list of "predictive" if-then rules from the RF, which can be interpreted by the user. These if-then rules are automatically built by the system with the goal of classifying the training data with high accuracy.

The predictive performance of the RF model is estimated using the
10-fold cross-validation procedureThis procedure consists of dividing the training set into 10 equally-sized sets, iteratively remove each set from the training dataset and then, estimate the performance of the classification model using the hold-out set. The final predictive performance estimation is the average of the performance in the 10 held-out sets.
applied to the training data and is also reported by the system.

The user can also provide an optional list of "testing" genes that will be classified by the Random Forest model. These genes may be targets for further biological experiments.

For more information about the data mining concepts in this web server, and a step-by-step guide on how to use the server, please see the help section.

Dataset versions

GTex dataset:GTEx_Analysis_2016-01-15_v7_RNASeQCv1.1.8

BioGrid PPIs:BIOGRID-ALL-3.4.146

Gene Ontology (GO): releases/2017-03-14


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